
Academic scientists can play an important role in catalyzing STEM engagement on both a community and global scale. With this recognition, our group is committed to long-term efforts aimed at increasing access, equity, and inclusion in STEM. We support those interested in STEM by providing opportunities for mentorship and engagement. We develop and facilitate hands-on learning experiences for K-12 students and teachers that are well integrated with our group’s research interests in synthesis, structural chemistry, and structure-property relationships.

  • U.S. Crystal Growing Competition

    Prof. Knope is one of the coordinators or “crystallites” for the U.S. Crystal Growing Competition. The USCGC is an annual event that provides students, teachers, and parents a fun hands-on STEM activity. Click the link below for more information

  • Local Community Involvement

    We have established partnerships with local schools with the aim of fostering STEM engagement in some of our youngest scientists. Our goal is to locally increase access, equity, and inclusion in STEM. We support K-8 science curricula and also provide opportunities for sustained mentorship.

  • Science Nights and Festivals

    Our group participates in a number of science nights and/or science festivals in the DC/MD/NOVA area in an effort to increase public awareness and engagement in STEM related fields