Science nights and festivals are a great way to get kids interested in STEM. With this recognition, our group has participated in a number of local events.

USA Science and Engineering Festival.

The USA Science and Engineering Festival is the largest and only national science festival. The mission of the festival is to “stimulate and sustain the interest of our nation’s youth in STEM by producing and presenting compelling, exciting, and educational STEM events and programs.”  In the past, we have worked with Georgetown undergraduates as well as national organizations (i.e. American Chemical Society, American Nuclear Society) to deliver hands-on activities related to chemistry and nuclear science and engineering. Interested in learning more, visit

Local Science Nights. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Knope group participated in the Alexandria City Public School Global Science night. We developed activities focused on luminescent materials and radioactivity. Our goal is simple: get kids excited about STEM.