
The development of structure-property relationships in tunable luminescent materials has attracted significant attention due to their application in areas ranging from sensing to bioimaging. Yet there are obvious advantages to photoluminescent materials built from relatively cheap, globally available, non-toxic elements. Bismuth fits these criteria; bismuth is benign as compared to other heavy elements and is relatively cheap ($5.95/kg) as compared to other elements that have been widely investigated for luminescent applications (e.g. noble metals and lanthanides). Aside from these considerations, growing evidence indicates that main group elements, including bismuth, provide unique electronic and structural handles that may afford a powerful strategy for tuning of materials properties. Towards this end, our group has been examining bismuth coordination and materials chemistry with the aim of developing rational synthesis and design strategies for photoluminescent bismuth based materials. Our in-depth examinations of structure-property relationships using both experimental and computational methods is providing fundamental insight that is critical to unlocking the potential of bismuth in functional materials design.

Recent Publications

Alexander C. Marwitz, Anuj K. Dutta, Morgan A. McDonald, and Karah E. Knope. Efficient Europium Sensitization via Low-Level Doping in a 2-D Bismuth-Organic Coordination Polymer Crystal Growth & Design Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01475

Adcock AK, Marwitz AC, Sanz LA, Ayscue RL, Bertke JA, Knope KE*. Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Luminescent Properties of Heteroleptic Bismuth-Organic Compounds. CrystEngComm 2021, 23, 8183-8197. DOI:10.1039/D1CE01242H

Marwitz AC, Nicholas AD, Breuer LM, Bertke JA, Knope KE.* Harnessing bismuth coordination chemistry to achieve bright, long-lived organic phosphorescence. Inorganic Chemistry, 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c02748.

Ayscue RL, Vallet V, Bertke JA, Réal F,* Knope KE*. Structure-Property Relationships in Photoluminescent Bismuth Halide Organic Hybrid Materials. Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 13, 9727-9744. DOI: 10.1021/acs/inorgchem.1c01025.

Adcock AK, Ayscue RL, Breuer LM, Verwiel CP, Marwitz AC, Bertke JA, Vallet V, Réal F, Knope KE*. Synthesis and Photoluminescence of Three Bismuth(III)-Organic Compounds Bearing Heterocyclic N-Donor Ligands. Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 11756-11771. DOI: 10.1039/D0DT02360D

Ayscue RL, Verwiel CP, Bertke JA, Knope KE*. Excitation Dependent Photoluminescence Color Tuning in Lanthanide-Organic Hybrid Materials. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59(11), 7539-7552. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00405