Actinide Structural Chemistry

Solution and solid-state structural chemistry plays an important role in our understanding of the chemical behavior of the actinides. In fact, recent work has shown that our limited understanding of actinide speciation continues to thwart efforts to reliably and predictably control the behavior of these elements under chemically complex conditions. To address this need, we have established a synthetic program focused on elucidating the effects of both inner- and outer- coordination sphere interactions on the formation, stability, and reactivity of actinide complexes and clusters. Beyond establishing structural systematics in these systems, we are also examining the correlation between solution species and those complexes observed in the solid-state. Such work is expected to provide fundamental insight into actinide bonding, periodicity, and reactivity of relevance to the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel, waste management, and environmental mobility.

This work is supported by the Department of Energy Early Career Research Program

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